When considering PipeFuze for your pipe repair, be sure it is a good fit. Take the PipeFuze Test.
How do I do that?
By performing a simple pressure drop test. Pressure testing, (or a pressure drop test), is a way of testing a pipe for leaks while putting a pipe under pressure. When putting a line under pressure, if the gauge does not drop during testing, then there is no leak. If in fact, the line loses pressure or you notice a drop in pressure, then there is a leak in the line. Pressure drops can vary from losing very slight pressure over a long period of time to not holding pressure at all. There are also times when a line has such a substantial break that you are unable to build up pressure at all.
What does that mean to me?
To put it simply, you need to perform a pressure drop test in order to determine if PipeFuze is a good candidate for your pipe repair application.
The parameters and general rule of thumb for PipeFuze applications are the lines should be pressure tested with water only (not air) and should lose less than five pounds of pressure in under thirty seconds. Most of the successful applications of PipeFuze usually fall within this range. A larger pressure drop may require a more invasive repair. PipeFuze is designed to seal small leaks.
Water, not air?
Contractors and homeowners ask us this question very frequently and here is the reason: Water and air compress differently. Also, water carries PipeFuze through the line in need of repair, whereas air is unable to do so. Check out this short video on how to properly conduct a pressure test.
Take the PipeFuze Test.
Bottom line: Conduct a pressure drop test and use PipeFuze for any type of piping leak with pressure drops under five pounds in thirty seconds. For more information, visit www.pipefuze.com or call us at (818) 436-2953. You can also watch demonstration videos on our YouTube Channel for free.