Moving to New England had some learning curves for me. In Arizona, every pool I ever owned was concrete and I had a complete understanding of how evaporation levels changed in that Arizona weather. The house I bought in Connecticut has a pool with a vinyl liner, and it was dropping just enough water for me to notice.
It was the end of the summer season here when I really took notice of about an inch of water going out of the pool in 4 or 5 days, in relatively cooler weather than the August summer heat and no real pool use that week. I tried looking over the bottom of the pool with goggles but I didn’t see anything worthy of noting. Realistically, how do you see a small pinhole in a liner with a print on it? I got online and started looking at repair options and found LeakShot.

The price was right for a fast and permanent repair, especially compared to calling someone out to dive and dye test the entire pool for something that appears to be a small leak, if a leak at all. The worst case scenario was that it wouldn’t change things and I’d still have to call a service company. It was well worth taking a shot at it.
Directions couldn’t have been easier. Remove the filter, pour it into the pool. I had read other product reviews online for other bottled leak fixers and they said their product would settle at the bottom of the pool and have to be stirred around. LeakShot did not settle anywhere. I poured it liberally, like the video showed, and I guess it went to work. I didn’t use the pool for a few days and the water didn’t move at all. A week out and still, no inch or two drop like I’d expected. I’d have to say, leakShot worked just fine.
When I read about it, even on the website, it said to keep a bottle handy for regular maintenance to stop small holes before they become bigger. I purchased 2 bottles at the start in case it needed a heavy load and fortunately, I have another bottle for when we get the pool ready for next summer. Like it says, just pour it in and the leaks stop – they aren’t kidding.
For me, I recommend using it, especially if you are new to vinyl pool ownership and want to make sure you start with a zero loss pool. The stuff is great, get it.
Joshua Montclair – Danbury, CT